"There’s a lot of things in life that you MUST do.
But there are only a few of those must-dos that you WANT to do."
But there are only a few of those must-dos that you WANT to do."
Hello, I’m Laila (say “Hi, Laila”).
Some of you are readers of my other blog. But some of you are here because other things brought you here.
My blog readers know this, but the rest of you don’t, so I’m going to announce it here again—I have a serious addiction of Disney themeparks.
But then, I was introduced to Disney parks. My parents took me to Tokyo Disneyland when I was about 6, and right there and then, I completely lost it. LOST IT. I was shocked that such fantasy land exists, and Disney films’ universe is real. You’re telling me I’m standing right in front of the actual Cinderella’s castle?! Apaan sih, kok keren amaaaat?!
I was so, so awed. My life was changed.
Since then, I’ve visited every single Disney park in the universe, and I became obsessed.
My love for Disney theme parks IS and WILL forever be blind. I know everything about their rides, attractions, shows, history, little facts and trivias, ticketing system, crowd management… you name it, I probably know about it.
Some of you are readers of my other blog. But some of you are here because other things brought you here.
My blog readers know this, but the rest of you don’t, so I’m going to announce it here again—I have a serious addiction of Disney themeparks.
My love for Disney first bloomed from their animated feature films. This is not surprising as I am a 90s kid and grew up in the Golden Age of Disney’s films - The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, etc etc. Those films are very much imprinted on my heart and soul.
But then, I was introduced to Disney parks. My parents took me to Tokyo Disneyland when I was about 6, and right there and then, I completely lost it. LOST IT. I was shocked that such fantasy land exists, and Disney films’ universe is real. You’re telling me I’m standing right in front of the actual Cinderella’s castle?! Apaan sih, kok keren amaaaat?!
I was so, so awed. My life was changed.
Since then, I’ve visited every single Disney park in the universe, and I became obsessed.
My love for Disney theme parks IS and WILL forever be blind. I know everything about their rides, attractions, shows, history, little facts and trivias, ticketing system, crowd management… you name it, I probably know about it.
It’s probably unhealthy, I know. And I’m 29. But, eh, who cares. YOLO.
A few weeks ago, gue iseng-iseng nanya suami—is there any chance for us to have a Walt Disney World family holiday this year? No? OK, maybe next year? Next millenium? The answer’s still negative.
The reason is because husband does not enjoy theme parks nor Disney, the cost is too much, and our son, Raya, is too young (he's currently 11 mos) to appreciate the trip. He said, “Maybe when Raya’s older, you two can go.”
(teteup, ya, dese nggak mau ikut...)
His reasons are understandable. But then, it hits me—there will never be the perfect time for the next 10 years.
You see, Raya will be 1 y.o. this year. Husband and I agree that Raya should visit (US) Disney when he’s 5 or 6. But by then, I’m planning to have my 2nd (or even 3rd) kid, who will be too young to be brought along.
So I realized I may be unable to make a family Disney trip... in this decade. Haduuuh, cedih amat!
On the upside, my supportive husband understands how much I love Disney, so I knew it’s not going to be impossible.
My theory was proven right when, sometimes later, I proposed the idea OF ME GOING SOLO TO WALT DISNEY WORLD. It just crossed my mind, you know? And my husband said, "Ah, that sounds better."
After cooling down myself, we talked about it, and agreed that I should go by myself next year, exclusively to Walt Disney World.
On the upside, my supportive husband understands how much I love Disney, so I knew it’s not going to be impossible.
My theory was proven right when, sometimes later, I proposed the idea OF ME GOING SOLO TO WALT DISNEY WORLD. It just crossed my mind, you know? And my husband said, "Ah, that sounds better."
After cooling down myself, we talked about it, and agreed that I should go by myself next year, exclusively to Walt Disney World.
Inilah yang namanya dedikasi, and I have no shame!!!
(padahal juga karena kagak ada duit sih, mak. Resmi kismin kalo pake plesir ke tempat-tempat lain)
And there you go—the main purpose of this blog is to exclusively record the exciting planning and the journey to Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida, next year.
Saya akan berusaha!!! *bungkuk ala peserta Benteng Takeshi*
Even if you’re not a Disney-head, nor a travel-enthusiast, I hope you’ll stay and enjoy the ride :)
Klik judul blog ini untuk liat semua cerita-ceritanya ;)
Woohoo! A travel themed blog by Laila! Will be following with great enthusiasm. Oh ya Lei, punya Twitter nggak?
aaaaaahhhh.. disney floridaaaaaa!!! itu alesan bapak2 deh selalu.. "nanti ya pas anak udah 10 tahun?" yang artinya pasti kapan kapan aja dalam waktu yang tak dapat di tentukan! marimar deh!!
mbak.. nanti kalo proposal dunia sakuraku di approve sama kakeknya Binar.. saya mohon petunjuk strategi strategi naek atraksi di disneyland sonoh ya wahai ahli disney.. hehehe..
Salam kenal.... asiiiik ada bacaan baru, bakal jadi pembaca setia, :) ditunggu cerita-cerita berikutnya.. :D sukses!
Dustysneakers: Woohooo! I'm honored! Ada dong Twitter, tapi rada terabaikan sih :D @prin_theth yaaa
Ednasari: Marimar kostenita soy banget kan siiis! Siaaappp... Selamat yalan-yalan di negri sakureus yaaa.
Lovoberry: Hehehe makasiiih. Untuk sementara baca-baca postingan yang ada dulu yaaaa *susah payah cari waktu ngeblog*
sukiaki sama blog blog lo Lei...(silent reader sok ikrib). Keep writing..
uedaaan.... ini kupu-kupu di perut mesti banyak banget, yah :D
Mims: Makasiii :-*
Cepe: Hahaha uedan emang, ini modal nekat. Apalagi gue Cep... Tegang banget salah perhitunga duit, mendadak miskin, trus nggak bisa pulang ala The Terminal zzzz.
Salam kenal, Laila :-)
Saya Inong dan pembaca setiamu di blog letthebeastin (Tapi belum pernah komen di sana) :-)
Sungguh mulia cita-citamu, Leila :-) Dan aku pastinya berdoa semoga itu bisa terwujud di tahun mendatang.
Dan pastinya saya tunggu cerita-cerita seru untuk mewujudkan impianmu berkunjung ke US Disney dan realisasinya di blog ini....
Pinkuonna: Hai :) Makasih yaaa. Aku Insya Allah berangkat taun depan kok.
Udah banyak ceritanya di blog ini. Mungkin nggak nyadar ya? :) Klik archive (past posts) di bawah blog ini, atau klik judul blog ini yaaa.
Just done reading all of your posting here :-) *Ketahuanlagigakadakerjaanakunyanih:D* Dan jadi bikin pengen ke sana pastinya :-)
Huwwoo pengertian amat ya T! Huehehhe walaupun gak acik ah bapake kok ga suka disney sih ... Sukanya liat jombiii ya? Hihihi.
Ahhhh lei, kapan piginyaaa? Asik banget pastiiii. Ga sabar nungguin updetannya. Warga path dapat live report ya!!
Haii mba lei, salam kenal. btw selama ini saya jadi silent reader yang selalu senapsaran sama umurnya mba lei.. Daaan akhirnya dapet jawabannya disini.. *sujudsyukur
Anyway makasiih ya suda menciptakan tambahan bacaan baru.. Sukaaa aw aaw aaaw..
I did solo travel to WDW in the mid of this year, since my son and my wife not interested.
i wish my future husband is like yours, so jealous!
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